Choman Hardi
Associate ProfessorDepartment of English
- Ph.D. University of Kent in Canterbury
M.A. University College London
B.A. The Queen’s College, University of Oxford - Email: [email protected]
- Office: B-F2-03
Scholar, poet, and translator, Dr. Choman Hardi returned home to teach English and Gender Studies at AUIS after 26 years of living abroad. Her research and teaching interests include poetry, feminist literature, feminist literary criticism, gender and genocide, masculinity, symbolic reparation, and women’s activism. After completing her education in the UK, Hardi was awarded a post-doctoral scholarship from the Leverhulme Trust. The resulting book, 'Gendered Experiences of Genocide: Anfal Survivors in Kurdistan-Iraq' (Routlege, 2011), was named a UK Core Title by the Yankee Book Peddler. She founded AUIS's Center for Gender and Development Studies (CGDS) in 2015. Two years later, CGDS announced the establishment of the first interdisciplinary gender studies minor in Iraq.
Hardi's poetry has appeared in Poetry London, Poetry Review, Ploughshares, Washington Square Review, Exiled Ink, and Modern Poetry in Translation. Her English collections were published by Bloodaxe Books. Four poems from her first collection, Life For Us (2004), were selected for the UK's English GCSE syllabus in 2010. Her second collection, Considering The Women (2015), received a Recommendation by the Poetry Book Society and was shortlisted for the prestigious Forward Prize for Best Collection. Her translation of Sherko Bekas’s Butterfly Valley (Arc Publishing, 2018) won a PEN Translates Award.

- 2018, Butterfly Valley, Arc Publications
- 2015, Considering the Women, Bloodaxe Books
- 2011, Gendered Experiences of Genocide: Anfal Survivors in Kurdistan-Iraq, Routledge
- 2004, Life for Us, Bloodaxe Books
Book Chapters
- 2018 "Gender and genocide; two case studies" in Routledge Handbook of Gender and Security. Caron E. Gentry, Laura J. Shepherd, and Laura Sjoberg (eds.) Routledge, UK
- 2011 "The Anfal Campaign against the Kurds: Chemical Weapons in the Service of Mass Murder" in: Forgotten Genocides, Essays on Oblivion, Denial and Memory. Rene Lemarchand (ed.) Pennsylvania University Press, Philadelphia/ USA
- 2006 "The Pleasure and Duty of Writing " in: Writing Worlds 1, The Norwich Exchanges. Vesna Goldsworthy (ed.), Pen and Inc. Press, Norwich/ UK
- 2005 "Kurdish Women Refugees: Obstacles and Opportunities " in: Forced Migration and Mental Health, rethinking the care of refugees and displaced persons. David Ingleby (ed.) , Springer Science + Business Media, New York/ USA
- 2018 "We Will not be Bystanders, a Poetry Manifesto" in: The Poetry Review, 108:1
- 2011 "Women’s Activism in Iraqi Kurdistan: Achievements, Shortcomings and Obstacles" in: Kurdish Studies Journal, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 2005 "Switching Languages" in: Between the Languages – Modern Poetry in Translation, Short Run Press, Exeter/ UK