Alka Aziz
LecturerDepartment of English
- M.Ed. Harvard University
B.A. American University of Iraq, Sulaimani - Email: [email protected]
- Office: B-F2-16
Alka Aziz is a lecturer in the English department at AUIS. She holds an M.Ed. in International Education Policy from Harvard Graduate School of Education and a B.A. from AUIS.
Alka is passionate about Kurdish culture, food, and literature. Her research areas focus on cultural preservation and history through food. You can find her published work on The Iowa Review, Shubbak Festival, and Iowa University Press.

- Aziz, Alka. “Reflections Away from War”. Iowa Review. https://iowareview.org/from-theissue/volume-46-issue-1-—-spring-2016/reflections-away-war
- Aziz, Alka. “Reflections Away from War.” Lanterns of Hope. University of Iowa Press. 2016. p 122-127. https://iwp.uiowa.edu/sites/iwp/files/LOH_15_online_FINAL MANUSCRIPT Optimized.pdf
- Aziz, Alka. “Taskababi Onion Lamb Stew”. University of Iowa. https://dwllcdishesanddips.sites.uiowa.edu/news/2020/04/taskababi-lamb-o...
- Aziz, Alka. “Birth”. Shubbak Art Festival. Video Poetry. https://www.shubbak.co.uk/bringing-images-home/